Clean Up the World 2023

From To
10H00 at 15H00

We actively work for ecology and society!

World Cleanup


Actemium Poland – Together for a Cleaner World.

On September 18, 2023, another edition of the annual event

World Cleanup

took place under the slogan “All trash is ours”
This year’s action had a special participant – our colleagues from the Administrative Department, who chose the Three Ponds Valley in Katowice as their target.
These picturesque recreational areas are a popular relaxation spot for Katowice residents, offering beautiful ponds, a kayak marina, a beach, extensive park areas, and a horse stable. Although the park area is well-maintained and developed, the keen eyes of our ladies detected some imperfections here too.
Thanks to their commitment and diligence, harmony in the natural environment has been restored. Their joint efforts led to the removal of unwanted waste and the restoration of beauty to these areas. Now, the residents of Katowice and their pets can enjoy this beautiful and clean place even more.
The participation of our colleagues in the “World Cleanup” action perfectly reflects Actemium’s commitment to creating a better world not only through professional work but also through social initiatives.
Actemium attaches great importance to employee participation in initiatives for local communities and environmental protection. The involvement of our colleagues in the “World Cleanup” action perfectly reflects this commitment to creating a better world not only through our professional work but also through social activities.
The initiatives undertaken by Actemium aim to promote sustainable development and encourage others to engage in similar initiatives. Thanks to our employees, Actemium continues the tradition of supporting local communities and caring for the natural environment.



Together, we act for a cleaner and more sustainable future.