For our employees and stakeholders
Our social commitment is our strength – discover our CSR projects and join our mission. Sustainable development is our priority value – see how we help change the local environment!

Corporate Social Responsibility in the VINCI Group
At Actemium, we know that people are our greatest asset – see how we care for our employees and local communities.

Companies in the VINCI Group operate in a rapidly changing world. To operate effectively and sustainably, they must adhere to laws, principles, standards, and values that are the foundations of good corporate governance. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development are closely linked, and an ambitious CSR program is a key factor in financial success, shaping the organization’s image, and meeting the expectations of customers and employees.
The VINCI Group is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. Under this agreement, Group companies take responsibility for promoting sustainable development of the planet, society, and companies by inspiring, setting a good example, and supporting other organizations in this area. Companies formulate a set of guidelines and goals that cover not only environmental and energy issues but also risk management, social policy, finance, supply chain, and good governance.
The VINCI Group’s CSR activities have been awarded a platinum certificate by the EcoVadis research company, which conducts CSR reviews for customers and contracting authorities. This certificate confirms that VINCI more than satisfactorily meets key indicators of the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility applied by the international business community. Effectiveness indicators include good employment practices, health and safety, and fair business practices.
The VINCI Group’s CSR Manifesto consists of eight commitments that define the Group’s path to corporate social responsibility. This manifesto serves as a reference point that defines the role and functioning of the Group in society and influences relationships with private and public partners, shaping the social and environmental impacts of the Group’s actions. The Group’s CSR commitments stem from the goals of the UN Global Compact, of which VINCI is a signatory.

CSR principles of the VINCI Group
We actively collaborate with local communities, engaging our resources and know-how in actions for the common good.
Principle 1: Design and build relationships

All employees of the VINCI Group play a key role in creating and nurturing lasting relationships with stakeholders. Projects implemented by the Group are precisely tailored to the needs of stakeholders, enabling fruitful collaboration both in their immediate environment and on a global scale. Our work is based on open dialogue with communities.
Principle 2: Adhere to ethical principles

We actively promote the development of ethical attitudes among our employees and collaborate with suppliers and subcontractors to fully integrate these values. Our company is committed to implementing ethical guidelines in every area of activity, striving to create reliable and trustworthy relationships with our partners and the communities in which we operate.
Principle 3: Promote green growth

One of the key priorities of the VINCI Group is actively supporting sustainable and green economic growth. Through innovative solutions and partnership cooperation, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint, protect natural resources, and promote practices conducive to maintaining biodiversity and the richness of life on Earth.
Principle 4: Engage in projects

We support social and public goals by involving our employees in the implementation of civic projects that contribute to the development of local communities and improve the quality of life for residents. We actively collaborate with local communities, engaging our resources and knowledge in actions for the common good and a shared future.
Principle 5: Aim for zero accidents

The top priority of the VINCI Group is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. Sustainable workplace environmental principles are not only promoted among our team but also actively implemented among our subcontractors and suppliers. We aim to achieve the goal of “zero accidents” by involving everyone in safety.
Principle 6: Equality and diversity

We consistently promote the value of equality and diversity, aiming to create an open and friendly organizational culture where all employees are respected and treated with dignity. We strive for full diversification of our teams, appreciating the diversity of experiences, perspectives, and talents that contribute to our innovation and global success.
Principle 7: Sustainable careers

We focus our efforts on promoting sustainable careers and personal development among employees. Through various training programs, mentoring, and skills development support, we aim to enable our employees’ continuous professional development. We strive to create a friendly and supportive work environment.
Principle 8: Share benefits

As shareholders of the VINCI Group, our employees are the driving force behind our development. We aim to create a beneficial and fair system that allows our employees to participate in the positive development of our company. We appreciate their hard work and dedication, which have a significant impact on our global success.
Our common mission is to build lasting value and sustainable growth, sharing benefits with both employees and the entire socio-economic ecosystem in which we operate.
We believe that mutual trust and participation in the success of the VINCI Group are the foundation of our long-term development as a solidarity and responsible organization.