News Achievements / Events

Business Unit Manager’s Day 2023

The innovation of Actemium's maintenance services enters the path of Industry 4.0.

Actemium Leading Innovation at BUM Day 2023 in Berlin


Efficient industrial maintenance services – Actemium in action.

Co-creating Industry 4.0 – BUM Day 2023

On June 29-30, 2023, the BUM Day 2023 event took place in Berlin, serving as an important forum for exchanging experiences within the VINCI Group. The meeting brought together approximately 650 guests from various parts of the world, representing countries such as Australia, Indonesia, India, Morocco, Brazil, USA, Canada, French Guiana, and nearly all European countries.

During this prestigious event, Actemium Polska was represented by Director Waldemar Binkowski and Business Unit Managers: Piotr Gaca, Paweł Kubiaczyk, and Jarosław Łopatka. Their presence enabled active participation in workshops and panel discussions focusing on key industrial sectors such as automation, robotics, logistics, chemistry, and many others.
One of the highlights of the meeting was a unique panel session. During the panel, Actemium had the honor to present its innovative approach in line with the concept of Industry 4.0. The company shared a wide range of advanced maintenance solutions that play a crucial role in refining and optimizing production processes.
In response to the challenges of Industry 4.0, Actemium continuously invests in the development of advanced technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and collaborative robotics. These innovative solutions contribute to increased efficiency, precision, and safety in various activities related to power installation construction, automation, robotics, and machine relocation.
BUM Day 2023 in Berlin not only provided an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences with industry experts but also demonstrated that Actemium is at the forefront of the industrial revolution. The company not only plays an active role in shaping Industry 4.0 but also inspires others by presenting unique solutions that enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry.

Actemium – leading the way in industrial solutions!